
10 六月



今年五月十三日,Yahoo董事會解雇了現任的執行長湯普遜(Scott Thompson)。這位上任僅四個月的執行長被查出學歷造假,使得他的信用破產,當他接任雅虎CEO職位時,由於過去曾創下將Paypal公司營收金額從18億跳升到40億的輝煌成績,一般都看好他會讓雅虎脫離被併購的危機。但是不管過去的成就如何輝煌,也不管他有多大的能耐,一旦行為有了缺失,學歷造假的人格瑕疵被揭發,造成信任崩潰,當信任基礎瓦解了,再強的領導力也隨之歸零。











By: http://tw.mag.cnyes.com/Content/20120531/dcd55909cb7e431fa5e2b2df6b4c7694.shtml

Facebook Friends Share; Pinterest People Purchase

9 六月

Pinterest users are 79 percent more likely to purchase items they see pinned on the site compared to the purchasing behavior of Facebook users viewing items they’ve seen on the news feed or a friend’s wall, according to a new survey released from behavioral commerce company SteelHouse.

Thirty-three percent of Facebook users said they have purchased a product or service that they’ve seen in a Facebook ad, on the news feed or on a friend’s wall, compared to 59 percent of Pinterest users who have made a purchase based on an item they saw on the pinboarding site. However, Facebook remains consumers’ top choice for getting ideas on what products or services to purchase, according to the survey, and is also the preferred choice for social product sharing. More than one half of those surveyed said they regularly share their online purchases.

Fifty-five percent of shoppers prefer to share their purchases on Facebook, followed by Twitter (22 percent), Pinterest (14 percent), and Instagram (5 percent). LinkedIn bottomed the list with only 3 percent of respondents using it to socially share purchases.

When asked about mobile shopping, 43 percent of those surveyed said they have downloaded a retailer’s mobile app and primarily use the app to browse for items (32 percent), make purchases (22 percent), and earn discounts and deals (26 percent). When making purchases, though, close to one third of respondents said they prefer to make purchases from a retailer’s online store versus that retailer’s mobile app.

In addition to getting more social and mobile with shopping, 98 percent of shoppers say that online customer reviews have a major influence on their decision to purchase a product or service. Seventy-two percent of consumers said that they always read reviews before making a purchase, while 26 percent of consumers only sometimes read reviews before purchasing.

By: http://www.websitemagazine.com/content/blogs/posts/archive/2012/05/30/facebook-users-share-products-pinterest-users-purchase.aspx?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter

When reading product reviews, 83 percent of shoppers take both the star rating and written comments into consideration. Star ratings are particularly important, as half of all respondents said the lowest star rating they would accept when making a purchase is three stars on a five-star scale.

Beyond just checking out reviews, many respondents said they also write reviews. Sixty-eight percent of shoppers say they rate and review products on a regular basis. The top product categories they write reviews on are electronics (23 percent), DVDs/CDs/MP3s (14 percent), books and clothing (both 13 percent).

Facebook Promoted Posts: A Step-By-Step Guide

9 六月

Facebook has started rolling out Promoted Posts for Brand Pages, a new feature that allows businesses to pay for posts to be more predominantly displayed on news feeds.

Earlier this year, Facebook shared the statistic that a Brand Page’s content is only seen by 16% of the fans. Facebook’s slew of ad tools and these new Promoted Posts are geared to help businesses reach and engage more of their fan base.

A brand can now pay $5, $10, $15 or $20 to “get more people who like your Page to see this post.”

“Promoted posts help increase the people you reach for any eligible post. It’s an easy and fast way to reach more of the people that “like” your page and your friends,” says a Facebook spokesperson in an explanatory video.

Facebook users will see promoted posts labeled with “Sponsored” in the news feed (not in the right rail where Facebook ads live) both on desktop and mobile. Promoted Posts have the same targeting ability that regular posts do, so you can geotarget just to your company’s area to get the most bang for your buck.

We walked through the process of creating a Promoted Post and the insights that assess their efficacy, so check out the gallery below for the step-by-step guide. Will you use this tool, and do you think it’ll be more effective than Facebook Ads? Let us know in the comments.

10 Ways to Boost Sales on Your Ecommerce Website

9 六月

It’s fairly simple now to become an online entrepreneur, thanks to technology and social media. Making a profit, on the other hand, is not always simple. There are small details that could greatly affect how your business thrives on the Internet — you can’t just put up an ecommerce portal and expect customers to come rolling in.

Building the smartest (and most successful) business website requires a lot of consideration. Online retailers must balance web design and development with marketing practices to successfully drive sales.

To add to the balancing act, your website and business will benefit when you consider what your customer wants and needs. Most are looking for a simple, straightforward shopping experience. Think about it — when is the last time you felt that way in a mall? There’s a reason shoppers are flocking to the web for their commerce needs — everything is tailored to them.

We’ve gathered a few tips for a successful ecommerce platform in the gallery below, some of which were suggested by Sucharita Mulpurur, an analyst at Forrester, and Ben Zifkin, CEO of Hubba.

Whether you’re a small business owner or an online shopper — as a customer, what features do you appreciate when you’re purchasing something on the web? Share your thoughts in the comments.

PayPal Donation

6 六月

To accept donations, put a Donate button on your website, blog or emails. Creating the button is easy. We provide the HTML code, which you simply copy and paste to your site. Donors can then click the button to make donations. See button features you can customize.

Donate Button

Create your button now

  • Accept donations made with credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal right away.
  • No monthly, set-up, or cancellation fees. Only low transaction fees.
  • Donors don’t need a PayPal account to make their donations.

Note: This button is intended for fundraising. If you are not raising money for a cause, please choose another option. Nonprofits must verify their status to withdraw donations they receive. Users that are not verified nonprofits must demonstrate how their donations will be used, once they raise more than $10,000.

How could you use the Donate button?

Let’s say that you are an animal rescue organization needing to raise funds to provide care for animals. You can easily add a donate button to your website and make it safe and convenient for supporters to give to your cause.

Donate Example

Create your button now

Doing more with your buttons

If you or your developer want to write advanced functions for the Donate button, learn more in the Integration Center.


Infographic: Top Performing Payment Gateway APIs – Is the Most Popular Gateway the Fastest?

22 五月

To anyone who’s shopped online lately, it’s no secret that more and more commerce is done via payment gateways such as PayPal, Authorize.netStripe.com and Checkout from Google. One of our largest customer segments is eCommerce and we happen to collect not only performance data about these customers’ custom apps, but we also report on the performance of their connections to payment gateways. And while we are agnostic about which payment solutions people use, we thought these customers might benefit from seeing just how well the top payment gateways are performing in the context of overall application performance. So we put together a graphic display that sheds some light on which gateways are the most popular and how they are performing within our customers’ app environments.

In a nutshell, according to the performance snapshot we took across our 21K accounts, the most popular gateway isn’t necessarily the fastest…

WordPress Wednesday: 10 Plugins You Can’t Live Without

17 五月

In addition to all of the ways that a WordPress site can be personalized, however, it is really the numerous plugins that can be added for extra functionality that may be the driving force behind this publishing platform.

When it comes to content marketing, there are more than a few plugins that you simply cannot live without. Here are 10 selections that should always deserve consideration:

Gravity Forms
This plugin is a highly intuitive, easy-to-use way to create custom forms for your website. From simple contact forms to complex product customization and ordering, Gravity Forms have you covered. Just select your fields, configure your options and embed the form in your site and you’re ready to go.

Google XML Sitemaps
This innocuous little plugin is incredibly valuable. Once it is installed, it generates a complete XML sitemap for your blog, allowing search engines to more easily and thoroughly index your site. This allows all search engines to have a more complete view of your site and more easily retrieve its content. The plugin also notifies the search engines when new content is added, ensuring that your content appears in search results more quickly and accurately.

Revision Control
Thus plugin adds some extra functionality to the revision protocols already in place within WordPress. For each page and post, you can control exactly how many revisions are saved, via enabling, disabling and limiting controls. It also allows you to delete specific saved revisions. Simple, but powerful.

Scribe SEO
This incredibly well-designed and easily integrated plugin allows you to more easily create high-quality content for your site that adheres to the highest standard of SEO. Based on the content that you provide, this plugin suggests the best keywords and tweaks to enhance its SEO efficacy, helping you develop link relationships with other influential sites and social media sources.

Social Metrics
This free plugin allows you to monitor social media traffic on your site. Once it is installed, the plugin allows you to see how many times your content has been shared across various social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn. You are able to see how your content is shared, and share your content more effectively right from the Social Metrics dashboard.

W3 Total Cache
Used and trusted by many heavily trafficked sites, this plugin increases your website’s performance. It more completely caches your site, ensuring that your theme loads faster, the server performs more effectively, and your Google Page Speed is vastly improved.

Backup Buddy
This great plugin allows you to completely back up your WordPress site, including all customizations, themes and plugins, as well as your content. Once safely stored in a location of your choosing, restoring your site to the most recent save is a breeze. It also allows for incredibly easy migration of your site. Setting regular, automated backups means you don’t even have to remember saving your site at regular intervals to keep your backup up to date.

A simple and effective database-optimization tool. This plugin allows you to easily remove spam comments, post revisions and other bits of unnecessary data. It also comes in a variety of languages, which is a plus.

Yoast Breadcrumbs
This clever plugin allows you to add SEO breadcrumbs to your themes. Breadcrumbs allow your readers to navigate more easily between pages, categories and posts on your site. In addition to easier navigation, breadcrumbs also make the structure of your site more transparent for readers.

Yoast SEO
This powerful plugin may be the most complete SEO package available for WordPress users. Functions include XML sitemaps, content analysis, meta descriptions and a whole host of other, fully customizable options. If you need more, there are also several add-on modules available.

About the author: Matt Goulart is the founder of and lead consultant at Webstar Content, and can be reached at Matt@webstartcontent.com.

By: http://www.websitemagazine.com/content/blogs/posts/archive/2012/04/25/wordpress-wednesday-10-plugins-you-can-t-live-without.aspx?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter

Infographic: Social Media Statistics For 2012

16 五月

It was a huge year for Social Media and here is a great infographic that rounds up the key Social Media Statistics to kickoff 2012. It’s pretty impressive to see that Facebook has grown to more than 800 million active users, adding more than 200 million in a single year. Twitter now has 100 million active users and LinkedIn has over 64 million users in North America alone.

A few interesting take outs for social media statistics in 2012:

Facebook Statistics 2012:

  • An average Facebook user has 130 friends and likes 80 pages
  • 56% of consumer say that they are more likely recommend a brand after becoming a fan
  • Each week on Facebook more than 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared

Twitter Statistics 2012:

  • 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter
  • 55% of Twitter users access the platform via their mobile

General Social Media Statistics 2012:

  • 30% of B2B marketers are spending million of dollars each year on social media marketing
  • Nearly 30% of these users are not tracking the impact of this marketing
  • 20% of Google searches each day have never been searched for before
  • Out of the 6 billion people on the planet 4.8 billion have a mobile and only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush

Check out more social media statistics for 2012 below in the full infographic, via Mediabistro.

Social Media Statistics 2012

By: http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/social-media-statistics-stats-2012-infographic/

8 Hot Media Trends You Need to Know

15 五月

When a week’s vacation can leave us behind on social media trends, early adoption becomes more about pattern recognition than bandwagon jumping.

Mediaphiles dismissed Foursquare as a toy, until it suddenly owned the geo layer. Internet junkies took afternoon naps and missed Pinterest’s leap to #3 in social networking. Mom couldn’t log into Hotmail; now she owns Farmville. All of these trends were forecast well before their big breaks, largely due to the astute eyes of early adopters who are ready to add new and fresh tools to their media-consuming arsenal.

Here are eight media trends we’re tracking right now. Some are right on the cusp of becoming mainstream and others still have a bit to cook before breaking the surface. What patterns are you observing in the media world and what do you think will be the next big thing? Let us know in the comments below.

1. Targeted, Geo-Mobile Coupons

When Foursquare started garnering press coverage in 2009, co-founder Dennis Crowley confessed his dream was to one day know users well enough to target smart coupons on the fly. He wanted to send push notifications that essentially said, “We know you like pizza, and it’s dinner time right now. Pizza Place X, two blocks away, has a special.”

That day has finally come. With 1.5 billion check-ins, 750 thousand merchants, 20 million users and millions of geo-tagged tips, Foursquare now has the ability to deliver hyper-relevant coupons to its users. I just started getting them and they’ve been surprisingly accurate.

LevelUp and other mobile services are digifying the in-person coupon space as well. We expect this field to mature rapidly now that geodata infrastructure is in place and half of all U.S. mobile phones are smartphones.

2. Audio Watermarking

Technology for embedding subliminal signals in audio — digital sound waves humans cannot consciously detect — is being used to track data and connect digital devices in increasingly clever ways. New York-based startup Sonic Notify, for example, built technology that allows television shows such as Bravo’s Top Chef to invisibly activate a viewer’s smartphone or tablet with related content while watching.

As audio watermarking becomes more mainstream (and consumers acclimate to the idea), opportunities for mobile content integration at events and retail stores will arise faster than you can play a Beatles record backwards.

3. Passive Location-Based Networking

According to social media data collected by Tracx, the top 3 buzziest startups at SXSW 2012 were all in-person networking apps: Highlight, Glancee, and Sonar.

Highlight was the most popular by far, gaining 300% more buzz than any of its peers. Its hook is that it’s completely passive: Users allow the app to track their locations throughout the day, then when other Highlight users (friends, potential connections) are nearby, it shows both parties the nearby user’s info.

Though buzz was high, the big question around this trend is whether the utility of such apps will outweigh the privacy concerns (and battery drain). There’s certainly competition in the space, so we’re likely to see a lot of movement around this concept this year.

4. Motion Tracking and Facial Recognition for Intention Data

CBS‘s hit series Person of Interest called this one last September. As facial recognition and motion tracking tech becomes more accurate and less expensive, the ability to digitally divine real-world intent is coming into our grasp.

Interpublic Group, for example, has a laboratory in Manhattan where Xbox Kinects, flatscreens and fake grocery aisles come together for some serious spying. When you pick up a box of Pop Tarts, the motion sensors track your face to see if you’re smiling or frowning about what you see. Screens then output data on how long you’ve lingered in front of a particular product, and ads trigger based on your gender (which cameras infer) and what objects you’re touching.

All this will help product marketers deliver better experiences. Once we get past the “creep-out phase,” consumers will likely start expecting — and appreciating — such personalization in their everyday shopping ventures.

5. Automatic Social Media-Activated Discounts

Handing a coupon to the waiter after a meal can be embarrassing for customers and time-consuming for employees. American Express has figured out how to bypass both challenges using social media.

The credit card company recently launched Twitter and Foursquare integrations that allow cardholders to sync their plastic with a social account, then take advantage of in-store coupons with no more effort than a tweet or check-in.

For example, many Foursquare locations have “$5 Off” AmEx specials. If a user checks into a location with the special and uses an AmEx card, the store’s credit card machine pings AmEx, which verifies check-in with Foursquare and then credits $5 to the user’s card.

6. Brands Building Publications and Entertainment Channels

“We’re all publishers” is a trite phrase by now, but big brands are starting to take the mantra seriously. With budgets behind them and no advertising to worry about, companies are building media properties meant to compete with TV stations and magazines.

Red Bull’s homepage, for example, looks like an action-sports news site. The company pumps out professional-grade news articles, feature stories and videos each day, pushing them to social marketing channels such as Facebook and Twitter. This fuels the company’s social media accounts with content and points followers back to Red Bull’s site, rather than elsewhere on the Internet.

Fashion companies are especially keen on building publications to compete with traditional media. Several have even reported that building entire publications is no more expensive than advertising. A look at the sites of Tory Burch and Kate Spade show where these brands are investing their efforts.

7. TV on the Internet

The Thursday Night TV lineup’s days are numbered.

Barry Diller, the media mogul who greenlit The Simpsons while running Fox in the ’80s, thinks broadcast television is the next big disruption in media. As we’ve seen with music, Internet users want to consume individual pieces of content — tracks, not albums; episodes, not box sets. They want to pick and choose, and they want their content online, not attached to a cable TV plan.

Diller’s latest project, Aereo, puts live broadcast TV on the Internet. It’s the next step to cutting the coaxial cable entirely.

8. Mobile, Immersive Reality

Digital technology allows us to be in one place while experiencing another. Skype and FaceTime connect people across the world, in person. The next evolution of this is immersive video and augmented reality.

Google is developing augmented reality glasses, which would enable wearers to view data layered over real life. A startup called Condition One makes iPad video apps that let the tablet holder move around a faraway scene, like a battlefield. There’s even R&D happening to create video-enabled contact lenses.

Tron, The Terminator and The Matrix, here we come.

By: http://mashable.com/2012/04/19/hot-media-trends/

Google Mobile Playbook

1 五月
