Tag Archives: twitter

Infographic: Social Media Statistics For 2012

16 五月

It was a huge year for Social Media and here is a great infographic that rounds up the key Social Media Statistics to kickoff 2012. It’s pretty impressive to see that Facebook has grown to more than 800 million active users, adding more than 200 million in a single year. Twitter now has 100 million active users and LinkedIn has over 64 million users in North America alone.

A few interesting take outs for social media statistics in 2012:

Facebook Statistics 2012:

  • An average Facebook user has 130 friends and likes 80 pages
  • 56% of consumer say that they are more likely recommend a brand after becoming a fan
  • Each week on Facebook more than 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared

Twitter Statistics 2012:

  • 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter
  • 55% of Twitter users access the platform via their mobile

General Social Media Statistics 2012:

  • 30% of B2B marketers are spending million of dollars each year on social media marketing
  • Nearly 30% of these users are not tracking the impact of this marketing
  • 20% of Google searches each day have never been searched for before
  • Out of the 6 billion people on the planet 4.8 billion have a mobile and only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush

Check out more social media statistics for 2012 below in the full infographic, via Mediabistro.

Social Media Statistics 2012

By: http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/social-media-statistics-stats-2012-infographic/

Facebook IPO: The Complete Guide

5 二月

Facebook took social media by storm on Wednesday after the company filed the preliminary prospectus for its long-awaited initial public offering. The company is seeking to raise $5 billion.


SEE ALSO: Facebook IPO: Reactions from the Social Web (and Zuckerberg)Still not sure what all of this means? If you haven’t already had a chance to read the document, we’ve embedded it below. For a breakdown on everything you need to know about Facebook’s IPO, read further.


Facebook S 1http://www.scribd.com/embeds/80163405/content?start_page=1&view_mode=list&access_key=key-x1m5pgmpecxg3zpxaeo 

Inside Look

Within the document, some huge numbers about the company were revealed — from 845 million active users, to 2.7 billion daily likes and comments.

After initial news of the filing broke, a more extensive look at the document reveals hard evidence of the company’s business, growth, competition and a bit about what’s in store for the future. Certain terms, such as “advertising” and “mobile” appear more than 100 times throughout.


However, there is one thing missing — Facebook did not include how many shares it plans to sell, or the price, but that information will be added before it hits the market, likely this May.

The several-hundred-page document is some heavy reading, but Facebook also used illustrative screenshots and diagrams to explain its business mission and how it plans to raise $5 billion.



Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg pulled in a base salary of almost $500,000, and COO Sheryl Sandberg and CFO David Ebersman both made $300,000 each.

However, these executives are earning a lot more than just their base salary. Sandberg was the highest-paid employee at Facebook in 2011, raking in a total of $30.87 million when you include stock awards.

Zuckerberg’s total earnings were $1.49 million — $700,000 of which was in costs related to private plane use “chartered in connection with his comprehensive security program and on which family and friends flew during 2011.”

However, since he owns 28.4% of the company, he is worth significantly more. Zuckerberg’s salary will fall to $1 annually, starting Jan. 1, 2013.

If Facebook manages to raise the $5 billion, it will be on a shortlist of biggest tech IPOs of all time, and Zuckerberg’s net worth will skyrocket.

Advertisers and Partnerships

Facebook announced it generates a “substantial majority” of its revenue from advertising, more specifically from its partnership with Zynga. The gaming company contributed 12% of Facebook’s $3.71 billion — that’s almost $500 million.


SEE ALSO: Facebook IPO Reveals How It Made $3.71 Billion in 2011The gaming company’s dependence on Facebook as a source of revenue has been commonly viewed as a risk for Zynga investors. But the Facebook filing shows just how interdependent the companies really are.

Some have claimed that online advertising — which is due to surpass print ads in the U.S. for the first time this year, according to eMarketer — is the real reason behind Facebook’s IPO.

Risk Factors

Risks with advertisers and partnerships are a few things that could “materially and adversely affect” Facebook. As required by law, the filing included a list of 35 things that could kill the company.

Ten big ones are below.


The comprehensive assessment includes potential issues, such as competition from Google, Microsoft and Twitter, as well as other social networks that may not even exist yet. The company also brings up common concerns of users, such as changes in U.S. government laws that would restrict access or bugs giving access to private information.

Social Mission

Within an honest assessment, there was also a letter from Mark Zuckerberg to potential shareholders that emphasized Facebook “was built to accomplish a social mission.”


By law, when the company officially goes public later this year, it is then obligated to create more value for its shareholders. This brings up the future of the company — where Facebook is headed five or ten years from now. It’s something yet to be fully grasped.

However, as we have previously noted, “Stocks perform over a long haul; not over days, but over weeks, months, years.” Although it’s much too early to know what the future holds for a public Facebook, this could potentially take social networking to a more professional level, outside of the “bubble.”

By: http://mashable.com/2012/02/03/facebook-ipo-complete-guide/#view_as_one_page-gallery_box4147

What Does It Take To Be a Social Strategist?

25 九月

Looking to break into a social media career? Here’s pretty much everything you need to know about the job and the people who do it every day. Nearly 80% of corporations use social media, so there’s plenty of opportunity for aspiring strategists — especially as the other 20% get on board.

Step 1: Get a Twitter account — 100% of social media managers represented in the survey have one, and you have to know the lay of the land if you’re going to innovate and build a brand on said land.

Step 2: Be ready to wear many hats. When it comes to social media, there’s a lot to tackle, including crafting actual posts, analyzing metrics, training and managing a team, spearheading campaigns, working with agencies and managing a budget.

Want to know if you’re cut out for it? In the infographic below, you’ll see the personality traits, education, career paths and responsibilities of today’s successful social media strategists. Statistics were pulled from LinkedIn data, as well as job listings for positions in the field.


By: http://mashable.com/2011/09/24/social-media-career/

Is There a Social Media Tech Bubble? [INFOGRAPHIC]

22 六月

Valuations of social media companies are starting to remind us of 1999. But are they overvalued?

Now that Microsoft bought Skype for $8.5 billion, LinkedIn’s IPO valued the company at $8.9 billion after its first day of trading, and Facebook’s estimated value is pushing $100 billion, you might be starting to wonder if buying into user numbers rather than revenue is a good idea.

Social media site G+, a community of professionals, entrepreneurs and academics, put together this detailed infographic that lays it all out in front of you. Take a look at these valuations and let us know in the comments if you think this is getting out of hand:

(Click here for enlargement)

Infographic courtesy Gplus.com

By: http://mashable.com/2011/05/29/social-media-bubble-infographic/

6 Ways to Grow Your Business With Content

25 五月

social media expert interviewAre you wondering why your business needs content? When you produce high-quality content, it’s a gift to your audience that they appreciate.

If you think of your business as a rocket, content is the fuel that moves it forward. Be sure to watch this edition of Social Media Examiner TV where I’ll share 6 effective ways to grow your business with content and take it to the stratosphere.

Share your feedback and see the show notes below!

There are two different types of content to fuel your business: primary fuel and nuclear fuel.

Primary Fuel

This is the content you produce regularly to attract people to your business. Here are some different types of primary fuel:

#1: How-to articles

How-to articles, such as 21 Creative Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fanbase, are great resources for your readers.  Be sure to provide details, give screenshots to illustrate things clearly and tell people exactly what to do. This way, your audience will want to share your content.

#2: Expert interviews

The right experts have valuable content for your audience. One example of this on Social Media Examiner is my interview with Guy KawasakiRemember to both record and transcribe your interview to share it in multiple formats with your audience.

#3: Case studies

Share stories of the people who are doing great things in your industry.  Have a look at the story of Logos Bible Software we recently published.

#4: Breaking news

Your audience appreciates good sources of breaking news. Think about doing a weekly wrap-up of the hot news of the week like we do on Social Media Examiner.

rocket fuel

What fuel do you use to grow your business?


Nuclear Fuel

This content is a special type of fuel to propel your business beyond the competition. It’s a bit more complicated to produce, but it has a much longer impact.

#5: Reports based on surveys

At Social Media Examiner, we create an annual industry report and distribute it for free.  We ask thousands of marketers lots of questions and then our team puts the report together and we give it away.  Often it’s read by tens of thousands of people. To make it easy to share, we embed a retweet button in the report.

#6: Contests

On Social Media Examiner, we do a Top 10 Social Media Blog contest.  Allow your audience to nominate the winners to activate your community.  And consider creating a badge for winners to put on their website and bring traffic back to your own website.

How to Build a Free Social Media Monitoring Dashboard

17 五月

social media how toDo you need a better way to manage the monitoring of your social media? Don’t want to spend a lot of money? How about a free alternative?

Keep reading to learn how…

Google Alerts has its uses, but it is simply not effective as a stand-alone tool for monitoring social media conversations on a day-to-day basis. Dozens of paid options exist, including Radian6, SAS and Lithium.

However, with an RSS reader and some Internet savvy, you can build a powerful social media listening post at no cost. This article will show you how.

Knowing where your company is mentioned online, who’s doing the mentioning and how others are responding is crucial to 1) understanding the “buzz” about you, 2) addressing complaints and negative mentions quickly, 3) knowing the impact (or lack thereof) of your marketing efforts, and 4) shaping social media marketing efforts to reach the right people (key influencers) on their preferred platform.

Start With a Feed

A “feed” is a summary of web content that is updated on a regular basis. It allows users to keep informed of a website’s latest changes. The predominant feed format is Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 2.0.

Feeds allow you to easily see new content. A summary or “headline” view lets you quickly scan recent content changes, and headlines are linked to their appropriate content. RSS readers are very useful because you no longer have to search for relevant information; you simply save your search queries in the reader and the relevant information will come to you.

Unless you have another blog aggregator that you prefer, I recommend you sign up for Google Reader.


The first time you log in, the screen will look like this.

The remainder of this article will show you how to use an RSS reader to build a social media dashboard.

#1: Track News and Blogs

Go to Google News and enter a query into the search box. I recommend you use complex queries when possible, as they provide more focused results. If your query returns items that are relevant, scroll down and click the RSS button at the very bottom of the page. On most sites they appear as orange badges.


After clicking the button, copy the URL of the page that comes up. This is the RSS feed for your search query.

google news

You just want the URL (indicated by the arrow). The rest of the page is not intended for humans to read, but for an RSS aggregator like Google Reader.

Go back to Google Reader and click the “Add a Subscription” button in the upper left corner.

add a sub

I’ve marked it in the screenshot above with an arrow.

Paste the URL into the form field that appears.

Now every time a new article that fits your search query goes live, it will be added to your Google Reader. Add as many query feeds as produce articles relevant to your brand or industry.

rss badges

Here’s a selection of RSS Feed badges, both traditional and creative, that you may find on blogs.

Go to Google Blog Search and run search queries, pasting the RSS feeds of queries with relevant results into Google Reader as above.

#2: Track Wikipedia

Wikipedia is where experts, industry leaders, researchers and other key influencers talk. You may have thought it was just an online encyclopedia, but it has a forum for every single article posted. Lively discussions are often ongoing behind the scenes, as each article has its own discussion page where Wikipedia editors debate and discuss.

You’ll want to know what people are saying about your page, your competitors and your industry.

Subscribe both to edits made to each article you select as well as its corresponding discussion page, in order to monitor what people are saying.


View History shows you a log of all edits made, along with the time, editor and often a summary of the changes.

To do this, select the “History” tab above the article, then on the left sidebar click “Toolbox” and then “Atom” with the orange RSS badge next to it. Paste the URL into Google Reader.

If you want to subscribe to discussion on the article as well, click the “Discussion” tab above the article, then click “History” then “Atom” as described above. You may also want to subscribe to pages about your competition or about the industry itself.


Atom is a type of RSS feed and works exactly the same way. Find the button in the left sidebar.

#3: Track Tweets, Comments and Discussions

Twitter is one of the main places online that comments go viral. Companies like Dell and Southwest Airlines monitor Twitter in real time so that a negative tweet about a product or service can be addressed quickly by customer service.

It is also important to note that Google indexes tweets. If your company, product or brand is being tweeted about, you’ll want to know. Luckily, Twitter is equipped to send information to your social media dashboard.

Go to Twitter Search, run a search query, click the “Feed for this query” link next to the orange RSS button, and paste the URL in your aggregator.

twitter search

Twitter searches can be imported to your social media dashboard.

All tweets you monitor will be stored for you.

Are you regionally focused, or is your audience in a single country? Click the “Advanced Search” link to the right and set your parameters. You can even specify whether you want to see positive or negative tweets, or tweets that ask a question!

twitter advanced search

Advanced search in Twitter is a powerful way to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Go to Samepoint. This is an engine searching millions of conversations taking place on blogs and social media sites. User-generated discussions (other than Twitter) are typically not indexed by major search engines, such as Google, as they do not reside on static pages.

SamePoint converts these discussions into web pages, or permalinks, and organizes them within a tag cloud. Enter your search query and subscribe to the feed, just like above.


Samepoint search results actually show sentiment analysis with their “social tone" indicator.

Go to BoardTracker. This engine searches over 2.4 million live message boards and discussion groups. While Google searches message boards as well, BoardTracker serves up better results. Run your search query and grab the RSS feeds.


BoardTracker will draw back the curtain on Internet forums, showing you what people are saying about your product, service or brand.

#4: Optional Tracking

The above feeds are required for in-depth monitoring of your brand and/or industry. The following feeds are optional, depending on your particular circumstances.

If your industry has strong aftermarket sales, you may wish to monitor prices. eBay and Craigslist are the top aftermarket sales sites. The prices people are paying for your products there will help you determine aftermarket value.

Go to eBay. Enter a search query. Scroll to the bottom and click the orange RSS button, and paste the link in your aggregator.

Go to Craigslist. Enter a search term. Look for the RSS feed. You know what to do.

If you want to monitor your competition, or any webpage in particular, subscribe to an RSS feed at WatchThatPage. It will notify you any time a page is changed.

watch that page

WatchThatPage can extract new information from multiple web pages.

#5: What About Facebook and LinkedIn?

Facebook and LinkedIn are noticeably absent from this social media monitoring dashboard. Why? Because both platforms have privacy settings that preclude interacting with the general public.

Users must register, and then they can only interact with their friends/contacts (with the exception of Facebook Pages, which are indexable by the search engines, and LinkedIn Today, which is an aggregation of other news sources).

There’s not a search engine around that can search a closed network, at least not as of this writing.

social meda dashboard

This is a screen shot of the social media dashboard for my company, Sterling Rep Social Media.

As you can see, I can quickly scan the list for items of interest. While most of these are mentions of my blog posts, if someone mentioned my company (or me) online in a blog comment, forum, on Twitter or in the news, it would show up here.

The above plan will allow you to construct a powerful social media listening post, free of charge. It is searchable, saves all records indefinitely, and is updated upon refresh. Using it will give you a significant advantage over your competition if they’re still just using Google Alerts.

By: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-build-a-free-social-media-monitoring-dashboard/

Is It Time to Shut Down Your Website?

16 五月

Just last month, the U.S. State Department announced that it was shutting down http://www.America.gov, the website launched to provide cultural and policy content to the world. Instead, the State Department will focus on using social media to get out its message. The aim is to communicate in a more interactive way with today’s networked audiences around the world—like those blogging Egypt’s revolution from Tahrir Square or documenting Syrian unrest on YouTube.

Shutting down your website to communicate solely through social media channels might seem like a crazy idea for any large organization. But then again, there is some logic to it. The Wall Street Journal reported that Starbucks receives over ten times as much traffic to its Facebook page (19.4 million unique visitors each month) as to its corporate website (1.8 million). For Coca-Cola, the divergence is even starker: 22.5 million visitors on Facebook vs. just 270,000 to its website—over 80 times as much traffic.

A decade ago, the corporate website had become the new “must-have” communication tool. But now, as web users spend increasing amounts of time on social media, traffic to static corporate websites appears to be on the decline.

Facebook vs Website Traffic for 2 Brands

Facebook vs Website Traffic for 2 Brands

But before you rush out to pull the plug on your own web site, it’s worth considering the benefits of each approach.

Benefits of Social Media

1. Inherently interactive. That’s where the term “social” comes from. Unlike a static HTML website, designed to read and click, social media like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are designed around sharing, responding, and interacting.

2. Where people are spending time. With over 500 million active users on Facebook, most Web audiences are spending more time there than browsing company sites. Just be sure that’s true for your own demographic (e.g. Facebook is a nonstarter in Japan) and your own industry (most users still do not use Facebook for learning about b2b topics).

3. Easy to acquire. Clicking a “like” button on Facebook or “follow” button on Twitter is a lot easier than filling in the sign up form on a web page. So it’s no surprise that many companies find it easier to build a large following on social media platforms.

4. Virality. When your audience interacts with you on social media platforms, it is instantly visible to their own friends and contacts. This digital “word-of-mouth” can be one of the most powerful tools for reaching new audiences.

Benefits of Your Own Website

1. Control the design. Have you ever tried designing a page on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube? The experience is like trying to swim with one hand tied behind your back. Having your own website allows you complete control, which may be essential if you have a lot of content or options that you need to organize for different audiences.

2. Own the data. Social media platforms are owned by the companies that run them, and, as such, they are the only ones holding all the data on your customers and your interactions with them. On your own website, you own all the data.

3. Targeting and personalization. Owning data and controlling design allow for much more targeted interaction with your customers than is possible on social media platforms. If you know which emails a customer in your database is clicking on, you can ensure her follow up emails, Web landing pages, and ecommerce experiences are much more suited to her particular interests.

4. Reach all your audience. Unlike Facebook, Twitter, or other services which might reach large segments of your customers, your own website is available to 100% of them. (That is, as long as your website has been optimized to work on a mobile phone.)

So, unless you are so small (e.g. a one-person enterprise) that you lack the resources to maintain both a Facebook page and a website, you almost certainly need both. (Even the State Department still kept its main website after shutting down America.gov.)

Fresh Approach Needed

But as you hold on to your familiar company website that’s grown a little musty over the last decade, be sure to give it a fresh look. Are you using the unique design capabilities of a stand-alone site? Are you capturing and leveraging data? Are you interacting and building a database with your most loyal customers who care enough to do more than press a “like” button for you? If not, your website needs a revamp to be worth keeping it alive for next year.

By: http://www.bnet.com/blog/digital-marketing/is-it-time-to-shut-down-your-website/133?promo=713&tag=nl.e713

How to Market Your Business With Twitter Lists

6 五月

Twitter is a networking haven for businesses. But is there an easy way to draw the right people to you with Twitter?

The answer is yes and there’s a great Twitter feature that can help you: Twitter lists.  Twitter lists can grab the interest of people you most want to meet, help you make a great first impression and can help you with marketing segmentation.

Below I’ll show you some unique ways to use Twitter lists.  But first…

How Do Twitter Lists Work?

Twitter lists creates separate lists of people. If you haven’t already used Twitter lists, watch this video to see how you can get started.

There are two interesting points to remember about Twitter lists:

  • You don’t need to “follow” people on Twitter to include them in your lists.
  • You can have both public and private lists.

Now here’s a look at what you can do with Twitter lists.

#1: Listen with Private Lists

Twitter lists are great to monitor and listen to different groups of people.  No-one else can see your private lists, so this is a good place to start using the Twitter list feature. You can create private lists to:

  • Monitor your competitors
  • Carry out specific market research
  • Keep track of different networks of friends and colleagues

Private Twitter lists can help you segment the fire hose of information streaming in through your Twitter feed, according to Rohit Bhargava. Segmenting people into lists also helps you more effectively listen to and  monitor your market.

John Jantsch says Twitter lists make it easier to listen to what others have to say.

And monitoring people without following them makes it easy to carry out specific market research or intelligence gathering.  Once you’ve finished doing your market research, you can simply delete your list without making any changes to the people you usually follow.

#2: Craft Your Brand With Public Lists

There’s not much space to brand yourself on your Twitter profile page.  You do have space for a few words in the bio box and you can add in background graphics.  But you can also add another dimension to your branding by carefully crafting your public Twitter lists. Here’s how.

Choose appropriate names for your lists

Spend some time finding the best name for your list.  There are a few things to keep in mind when naming your Twitter lists:

  • Engage the right people.  You’ll get more people interested in looking at your list if the name sparks their interest.
  • Remember to communicate with everyone.  Don’t limit your audience.  The right name could help you reach more of the people you want to connect with.
  • The SEO bonus.  Another reason to think about how you label your lists is for search engine optimization (SEO).  Look at the screenshot below.  This Twitter list is in a good position in Google search results for a competitive keyword.

Twitter list showing up in Google search results

The bad news is that if you change the name of your list, the URL of your Twitter list changes too and you’ll lose the people following that list. So take some time to get this right.

Choose appropriate Twitter lists for your public profile

When creating your Twitter lists, you want to think of how lists help you:

  • Connect with your Twitter followers
  • Achieve your main goal for using Twitter
  • Continue the story you began in your Twitter bio

As you build up a following on Twitter, your followers will be interested in your Twitter lists. The choice of Twitter lists found on your Twitter home page is important for engaging with  people.

a example of public twitter lists

Choose the number of public lists

Remember, there’s a limited amount of space available for your Twitter lists on your home page.  Although you can create a larger number of lists, only about 4 to 6 will appear on your home page depending on the character length of the names of your lists.  Your audience will have to click on the “View all” link to see all of your lists if you have more than this.

So you may want to think carefully about the number of lists you want to create and the order in which you create them. Put your most relevant lists at the top.

choose the right number of public twitter lists

Advertise your Twitter lists

Create Twitter widgets for specific Twitter lists and put them up on your blog or website to engage people and establish your areas of interest and expertise.

an example of a twitter widget

Better Marketing With Twitter Lists

Twitter’s list feature can add some extra marketing power to your Twitter strategy if you take some time to get it right.  You also need to find the right way to make your lists work for you.  This will depend on your goals for Twitter, your audience and how they like to connect with you.

A good Twitter list improves your visibility in your market. Here are a few more benefits:

  • The people you follow in your public lists will appreciate the recognition.
  • By providing a useful resource, you’ll increase your credibility in your market and attract more followers.
  • As you become more popular, you’ll be listed on other people’s lists. This is another way to measure your social media influence.

By: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-market-your-business-with-twitter-lists/

How to Build Your Twitter Tribe

6 五月

social media how toDo you want to build a loyal and engaged Twitter following (a tribe if you will)?

If so, this article is for you. It will show you how to find people and what to do to engage them.

Find the right people—build the right community

This is a tricky headline. As if there’s something like the “right” community waiting for you out there. Yet focusing firmly on the people you want to interact with will pay off greatly. Following those who show a real connection to your niche is key to getting the return out of your Twitter conversations.

A fundamental question when creating your own tribe is to ask yourself, “Whom can I help on Twitter?”

That’s right, instead of saying “Who could help me?” or “What will I achieve?”, Twitter is a place to extend your reach by helping others. Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about other people first. This is the most important lesson I ever learned.

You’ll be amazed how this will boost your influence on Twitter. For example, @MackCollier, a true Twitter pundit, covered this topic in more detail here.

Where to find the right people

Over the course of Twitter’s 5 years of existence, many very helpful directories have been created. They are a great source to find new and interesting people.

A very detailed one is TweetDeck’s Directory of Twitter users, where you can easily navigate through your fields of interest and pick those you want to connect with.

tweetdeck directory

TweetDeck Directory: Think of it as a TV Guide for Twitter channels.

Another great source is WeFollow, which again offers simple ways for you to find the right users in the right niche for you.

twitter directory and search

A directory of people organized into categories.

If you’re writing a blog, a very simple way to connect with new people is to take a look at who retweets your posts. Backtweets is a great tool to find this out. Put your post’s URL into Backtweets and get in touch with the folks retweeting your post.

twitter analytics

Backtweets un-shortens and catalogs URLs sent by Twitter users.

Chances are high they’re exactly the people you’ve been looking for to extend your followership.

Be aware of Twitter etiquette

One thing that can easily put you in a bind with someone on Twitter is if you ignore certain Twitter etiquette rules. If you’re an expert in your niche, but are not quite aware how best to interact with others on Twitter, it can turn out to be a real disaster.

A few rules are:

  • Include the person’s username when retweeting their tweet—give them credit for the content they shared.

Give credit when you retweet someone.

  • Reply in a timely manner—Twitter is very spontaneous, so make sure to be there for @replies if you’re tweeting something. Particularly if you schedule a few tweets.
  • Thank others for retweeting your tweets. Give them a quick note of appreciation that they found your content worth sharing with their community.
  • If the above gets very time-consuming, you might want to try replying to those who edited the retweet and showed particular appreciation for your tweet.
  • If you tweet articles, include the authors’ names. Give them credit for their work.

Give people credit for their posts.

Create amazing content on Twitter

It has long become clear that Twitter is no longer a black hole we communicate to one-way; actually we get lots of user engagement out of it.

One technique I found very helpful is to think of tweets like small blog posts. It was the infamous @TweetSmarter that mastered this technique. For nearly every article they tweet, they create their own headline aligning it with their community’s interest. This became hugely successful, which made me pay close attention to every tweet posted.


A non-stop, 24-hour feed with news about all things Twitter.

You don’t need to dedicate the time to a tweet that you would give a full blog post. But there are a few simple things you can do to make your tweets achieve a better reach among your followers.

Whenever you tweet an article, try to link it with the interests of your community.

This means that sometimes the title of the article will fit this purpose very well, sometimes it won’t. Try finding a quote in the article that particularly relates to your community’s and followers’ interests.

relate to your community

Relate to your community with unique tweets.

Twitter is all about creating a personal connection; try to leverage what you know about your followers. I found that it pays off greatly with higher engagement.

Be time-efficient

Spending hours and hours on Twitter can be a great deal of fun, yet it can also turn out to be a very dangerous waste of your time when you should be doing other things for your business.

So creating an efficient work pattern on Twitter is key to getting the most out of it.

One way to reduce the time spent without trading off your impact is tweet scheduling. A vital part of scheduling tweets is to get the right balance between spontaneous tweets and scheduled ones.

schedule twitter posts

Now you have the ability to tweet day and night, even when you’re asleep.

Another big timesaver for me is Twitter Lists. Especially if you reach a point when it becomes hard to keep track of your timeline.

lists bird

A way to organize the people you’re following on Twitter, or find new people.

One way I like to use lists is to create certain interest field lists—say, for example, “Marketers and Bloggers.”

twitter lists

Create lists to follow your fields of interest more easily.

I can now fill them up with people I follow who are great thought leaders in that area. Keeping track of them is super-simple and hassle-free.

By: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-build-your-twitter-tribe/

Ben & Jerry’s Fair Tweets Campaign

6 五月

Ben & Jerry’s Fair Tweets Campaign

Love this. Ben & Jerry’s have just launched a new social campaign highlighting the importance of World Fair Trade Day. Called “Fair Tweets“, the campaign leverages your unused twitter characters as messages, hash tags and links to help promote World Fair Trade Day… And depending on how many characters you have spare in each tweet, the Ben & Jerry’s Fair Tweets app automatically generates a relevant message to fill that space, and is then posted with each of your tweets!

A very clever campaign for a great cause. (thanks Nic!)